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Create visual informative TimeLines for education, research or project planning of time-related events with HyperTimeLines.




TimeLine elements can be Events, Periods and MileStones. Every element can carry information and images. Elements are interactive. In other words, they show a popup info-window on mouse-over with text and images.
The Main-TimeLine-View can be moved around, zoomed and scaled. The Date-Jump function lets you quickly manouver the whole TimeLine.

Why not making an online version of it? Because there are already many online only TimeLine apps out there. HyperTimeLines goes a different way: the focus on Privacy. The TimeLines are on your computer only and stays there. Of course, the TimeLines can be conveniently packed and send if needed, no question about that!


HyperTimeLines FEATURES

Intuitiv interface with fast interaction and versatile functionality.

The app has a simple but wide range of functions to efficiently make interactive timelines for many application uses like education, working up historic events of personal or commercial time periods. It helps visualize date related events provides functions for interactive timeline scrolling with standard presentations functions like the left and right cursor keys to scroll the timeline.

Element Styles

how to create timelines

HyperTimeLines lets you choose from 3 types of timeline items and 9 different items styles.


Properties Window

History of Video Games Timeline

All element properties are definded in the Props Window.

Popup Info Window

create project timelines

Fast interaction with the Information Popup on MouseOver.


Introduction Video


Introduction and functionality overview video which guides through the essential steps on how to create a TimeLine and edit it.



Example TimeLines free for downlaod. Just extract the .zip, load the .htl file in HyperTimeLines or doubleclick the file.

Nasa History  
Nasa History Timeline HyperTimeLines

Metallica Discography  
Metallica History Timeline

Video Game History  
HyperTimeLines Video Game History

Society Generations HyperTimeLines

Spielberg Films  
Steven Spielberg Movie History HyperTimeLines

These timelines are great examples for anybody to modify and expand them with your own ideas! More example timelines will come! Don’t hassitate to send us our TimeLines if you want to share them to the community  


  For a list of application changes check out the VERSION CHANGES HISTORY
  Missing some features or found a bug? Leave us a note!


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TRY BEFORE BUY – Download HyperTimeLines 30-day Trial Version

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Installation & Usage

  • Extract the ZIP file to a temporary place
  • Start the istaller and follow instructions
  • Start HyperTimeLines from Desktop Icon or StartMenu
  • PDF User Manual can be called from Help Menu

System Requirements

  • WinXP or higher (Win7, Win10) x86 (32bit) / x64 (64bit)
  • minimum 512MB free RAM
  • minimum 512MB free SSD or HDD space
  • minumum resolution 1024×768

MacOS version info: can be run on any Intel-based Mac via WineBottler!

  Please report bugs and ideas for features to support@ntown.at.

Upcoming Features

Future version will have even more customization and presentation features like background images, flexible export image cropping and much more. Stay tuned and try our Free Trial Version!

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