nLoupe – DIY Display Loupe for 5 inch screens

Category : DIY Gear

nLoupe – DIY Display Loupe for 5 inch screens

DIY Display Loupe that fits a 5″ screen including instructions and parts list.

Simple Display Loupe Idea

The Atomos Ninja Blade is a great mobile broadcast video recorder and has a even greater 5″ LCD screen. The other day I wanted to use the Blade as a monitor for a shoulder rig. But thats not gonna work without a display loupe. A little lens with a housing attached to the screen of the Blade.

Unfortunately I did not found a appropriate solution. The Loupes are either to small or to expensive for just a display loupe.

That activated my DIY skills once again and the photo-story below documents what I have created. For now I made the display loupe just for me, but who knows, if there is a demand, I possible make it into a product.

The Blueprint

Ideas starting to form, a blueprint is mandatory.

The Mockup

First Lego mockup to test out the distance needed for the lens.

DIY Display Loupe mockup

DIY Display Loupe Atomos Ninja Blade Display Loupe
How to shade display in sun display loupe for 5 inch screen

The Parts

Cheap three inch display loupe to be cut shortly. Despite it’s low price (about €15) the plastic lens has a good optical quality. Just did a rough, imperfect cut, but thats ok for the purpose. Leftover is the top part with lens cut away from rest of plastic housing.

The Construction

Measurements, cutting and sticking it together with tixo and retrofitted the lens into the new housing.

Metal frame measurements and cutting it out painstakingly.

Now rounding the hard edges.

Cutting a half-round carbon fiber stick as support frame then glue the cut-out magnets from the original display loupe. Does look like DIY only a bit on closeup view.


Measurements again. Cutting the amazing looking Carbon-Fiber-Look self-glue foil.

Body with CF-Foil glued on it.

Fitting the oversized rubber eye-cup into the nice and soft eye-cushion. The nice looking and soft leather eye-cushion gives a better viewing pleasure and comfort as the rubber only eye-cup. Velcro-tape support for flipping-up functionality to reach the touchscreen.

The Final Design

Works a treat on a shoulder-rig configuration.

nLoupe attached to the Ninja Blade and mounted on the Canon C100.

I hope this is a inspiration for you DIYselfers out there and feel free to ask questions.

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